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housewife’s woes
主妇的悲哀  detail>>
1.(pl. housewives) 主妇。 2.(pl. house-wifes , house-wives ) 针线盒。  detail>>
of a housewife
家庭主妇的  detail>>
aniliad of woes
一连串的灾难  detail>>
budget woes
预算紧张  detail>>
economic woes
经济不景气  detail>>
a smart housewife
聪明的家庭主妇 精明的主妇 一个精明的家庭主妇,161  detail>>
bad housewife
不良主妇日记  detail>>
disabled housewife
残疾主妇  detail>>
housewife eczema
家庭主妇湿疹  detail>>
housewife pillowcase
西式枕  detail>>
housewife program
内务程序  detail>>
provident housewife
管家精明的主妇  detail>>
forget about the woes of yesterday
遗忘昨天得伤悲  detail>>
two places with same woes
两处闲愁  detail>>
wildlife woes in the drought
大旱威胁野生动物  detail>>
diary of a mad housewife
狂妇日记  detail>>
housebound housewife syndrome
居家主妇综合症  detail>>